1 Results in Products

Marine Mortar S

Structural Concrete Repair Mortar for Marine and Tidal Areas (BBA) Overview Marine Mortar S is used for the structural repair and profiling of vertical, horizontal and overhead surfaces in marine and tidal areas which are subject to early immersion. Marine Mortar S is a thixotropic, fibre reinforced, polymer modified, cementitious mortar with excellent cohesion for use in… Read more

11 Results in Projects

Concrete Repair & Protection of Marine Structure

Durable Anti-Corrosion Protection Extends Life of Reinforced Concrete Quay Background: Protection of Marine Structure The Commercial Quay in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, was built in the 1950’s and is approximately 1,000 metres long. In the early days the port at Wisbech imported and exported corn and rapeseed oil, and other similar food and beverage goods. Today, it… Read more

Concrete Repairs for 1970s Seaside Wall in Devon

Repair & Protection of 300m Long Concrete Sea Wall Background Dawlish Warren is a popular seaside holiday resort at the mouth of the Exe Estuary in South Devon. It has a 500 acre Nature Reserve and a Blue Flag sand-dune backed beach. Dawlish Sea Wall is approximately 300m long and dates back to the 1970’s. Based in a… Read more

Masonry Wall Repairs in Tidal Areas with Marine Mortar

Masonry wall repairs in tidal areas with marine mortar. Background Network Rail is carrying out major works to upgrade the railway network in Wales and in 2013, the company was seeking to provide scour protection to its most vulnerable structures. There are a number of locations along the Welsh coastline where the railtrack runs just… Read more

Marine Mortar S Chosen to Repair and Protect La Vallette Bathing Pools

Repair and protection of bathing pool surrounds. Background La Vallette Bathing Pools form part of Guernsey’s heritage, having been constructed in the Victorian era. There are four tidal pools which fill up with seawater at every high tide and when the tide goes down, the sun heats the water and makes swimming pools. The main pool holds 1.5… Read more

Marine Mortar S Repairs Concrete Sea Defence Wall

Repair of Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Sea Defence Wall. Background The £7.6m Tywyn coastal defence scheme was developed by Atkins in order to protect the picturesque sea-front properties from the threat of flooding. Since construction in the 1930’s, the sea defences had regularly suffered attack from storms, with significant impact damage from rock resulting in the inevitable need for structural reinstatement. With… Read more

Concrete Reinstatement to Repair Washout Damage on Cast In-situ Marina

Reinstatement of Concrete for Marina Damaged by Seawater Background Situated on the Somerset coast, Watchet Harbour is in an area of one of the highest tidal rise and fall levels in Europe. During construction of the new marina, cast in situ concrete was damaged by seawater, leading to an urgent programme of remediation. The Solution Having experienced… Read more

Repair and Chloride Protection of Concrete Seawater Tanks

Repair and chloride protection of seawater intake tanks and pumping chambers. Background The largest aluminium smelting operation in Asia relies on the supply of cooling water produced from a desalination unit. After 20 years service, the concrete seawater intake tanks and associated pumping chambers were suffering from extensive corrosion of the steel reinforcement, leading to cracking and spalling… Read more

Concrete Repair and Protection of Reinforced Jetty

Repair and protection of a reinforced concrete jetty in a tidal zone. Background Originally constructed in the 1980’s, the privately owned Malpas Jetty had been subject to constant exposure to sea water spray and tidal erosion. As a consequence, urgent repairs had become necessary to make the structure safe and extend the service life, as large scale failure… Read more

Corrosion Protection for Deal Pier in Kent

Corrosion protection of steel support structure and reinstatement of concrete encasement Background Designed by Sir W Halcrow & Partners, Deal fishing pier was built in the 1950’s and consists of a structural steel frame, supported on steel piles. Although part of the steelwork had been encased in concrete to provide corrosion protection, the whole structure was showing signs… Read more

Concrete Repair & Protection on Major Trunk Road Bridge

Concrete Repair & Protection System for Major Trunk Road Bridge Background Egginton Bridge carries the A38 trunk road 200 metres above a flood plain. A number of damaging factors – including carbonation, chloride attack and water ingress – had caused a series of defects on the main beams, cross beams and supporting pillars. This ultimately resulted… Read more

Concrete Repair & Protection on Major Trunk Road Bridge

Concrete Repair & Protection System for Major Trunk Road Bridge Background Egginton Bridge carries the A38 trunk road 200 metres above a flood plain. A number of damaging factors – including carbonation, chloride attack and water ingress – had caused a series of defects on the main beams, cross beams and supporting pillars. This ultimately resulted… Read more

3 Results in News

Marine Mortar Used to Repair Masonry Walls Along the Welsh Coastline

Over 6,000kg of one of our repair mortars has been used to repair masonry walls in tidal areas along the Welsh coastline. As part of major works to upgrade the railway network in Wales, Network Rail was seeking to provide scour protection to its most vulnerable structures. There are a number of locations along the… Read more

Marine Mortar Makes the Grade in Guernsey

One of our key areas is the manufacture of repair and protection materials for concrete and steel structures in aggressive coastal and marine environments. Flexcrete products have been proven all around the world in hostile locations and one high profile project in Guernsey truly demonstrates the resilience of our materials. Over 10 years ago, Flexcrete… Read more

Flexcrete’s Products are CPR Compliant

Declaration of Performance (DoP) The construction industry has recently undergone the most significant change for a decade in the way in which construction products are sold throughout Europe. From 1 July 2013, under the Construction Products Regulation 2011 (CPR), it is mandatory for manufacturers to apply CE marking to any of their products which are… Read more