Protection from Chloride & Water Ingress on Cracked Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
On this section of State Route 8, the supporting columns had previously been repaired with Shotcrete to replace unsound, chloride contaminated concrete.
However, this remedial work was unsuccessful, resulting in crack formation to leave the cathodic protection grid exposed to the elements. These cracks also gave ready access to moisture, carrying further chlorides into the concrete during the winter season. Urgent concrete repair work was needed to assure that structural integrity could be maintained.
The Solution
The minimum requirement was a coating membrane that could provide an effective flexible seal which would not become brittle over time. Cemprotec Elastic was selected by the Transportation Department as it met the obvious needs in view of its excellent ability to span dynamic cracks in concrete. Cemprotec Elastic is also highly waterproof, resistant to a 100 metre head of water. Also, the unique cementitious coating technology is recognised the world over for its outstanding performance in terms of resistance to chloride ion diffusion.
Connecticut Department of Transportation