Project Location: Cocklaw Bridge, M90, Scotland

Posted on in the category Concrete Repair, Decorative Protective Coatings, Civil Engineering & Infrastructure.

Concrete Repair & Protection for Motorway Over-bridge

Concrete Repair System to Protect from Concrete Deterioration


Routine inspection highlighted the need for maintenance on the over-bridges on the M90 motorway near Kelty in Scotland to prevent further concrete deterioration.

The Client stipulated the use of a concrete repair and protection system that could offer outstanding long term protection against the common sources of attack in this type of structure, including carbonation, ingress of de-icing salts and the effects of freeze/thaw cycling.

The Solution

Work began with the application of two coats of Steel Reinforcement Protector 841, followed by Bonding Bridge 842, to enhance the bond to high porosity concrete. Monomix was then applied as the structural repair, a high build, simple to profile mortar based on the most advanced polymer cement chemistry. It is an easy-to-use single pack material which is fully compliant with the Highways Agency Standard BD 27/86. Finally Monodex Smooth was applied to the overall structure for complete protection. The entire system offers a minimum 15 years to first maintenance and is covered by Flexcrete’s BBA Certificate.


Aone+ on behalf of Highways Agency


GPL Civil Engineering, MPC Northern Group, Colas