Reinstating Cover & Structural Integrity on Major Concrete Road Bridge
A covermeter survey on completion of the new Hillingdon Bridge showed signs of low concrete cover to the reinforcement of the parapet beams.
Due to the location of this bridge over one of the main arterial routes into London, it was absolutely imperative to maintain its structural integrity. The Client was keen to evaluate a material which offered additional protection from chlorides.
The Solution
Consequently, Cementitious Coating 851 was selected as the ideal solution because of its dual purpose in reinstating cover whilst forming an excellent barrier to chlorides from washed de-icing salts – in an independent test, 851 is shown to improve the chloride ion diffusion resistance of normal concrete by over 200 times. In this case Monolevel 844SP was used to provide a fair faced finish before the application of the high performance 2mm polymer modified coating. Cementitious Coating 851 also confers excellent anti-carbonation properties, and its inherently waterproof nature prevents damage from freeze/thaw cycles during winter months.