Repair to internal concrete staircases and landings suffering from carbonation.
Dominating the landscape locally, the Radbourne Lane Water Tower was exposed to weathering which had caused damage to the internal stairwell.
As the concrete had inadequate protection, carbonation had given rise to spalling of the concrete, necessitating a remedial solution.
The Solution
Once the defective concrete was cut out and the exposed steel which was prepared to Sa 2½, Steel Reinforcement Protector 841 was applied in two coats to form a protective sheath with good flexibility and excellent barrier properties. When this had become stable, it was possible to immediately proceed to build up the repair with Monomix, a medium density, single component, high build cementitious mortar which is suited for hand application in both vertical and overhead situations. Monomix is a high strengh shrinkage compensated formulation which cures rapidly to form a durable repair with a high quality polymer rich finish simply achieved with a steel float.