Corrosion protection for steel sea water intake pipes.
With probably the most hostile climate and harshest service conditions to cope with, RasGas are aware of the need to constantly assess new technologies for heavy-duty corrosion protection.
The shear size of the new sea water intake pipes for the expansion of the Ras Laffan facility brings new challenges for which an innovative approach was needed.
The Solution
Traditional coatings prove impractical, but the water-based Cemprotec E942 is very easy to apply to large section pipes, even in remote field conditions. E942 was applied using a Graco King pump to grit blasted surface – white metal is not a pre-requisite. E942 does not require a separate primer and it offers immediate passivation of the steel surface. Curing to form a tough and durable protective skin with good chemical resistance, the E942 coated pipe can be buried without the threat of mechanical damage, even when using spoil taken from the trench. E942 is unaffected by contact with hot salt water and resistance to chloride ion penetration is a key feature.