Project Location: Rhyl Coastal Steps, North Wales

Posted on in the category Enhanced Durability for Concrete & Steel, Coastal Structures.

Fastfill Repair Mortar Chosen to Restore Rhyl Coastal Steps

Repair of coastal steps eroded through tidal action and chloride attack.


Much of the town of Rhyl in North Wales is located below high tide level, so it is critical that coastal structures are well maintained. This is not only to avoid the risk of flooding, but also to ensure the safety of the many holidaymakers who visit the beaches that are highly commended in the Marine Conservation Society’s Good Beach Guide.

Over time, the concrete steps that lead from the promenade onto the beach on a stretch between Rhyl and Prestatyn had eroded as a result of tidal action and chloride attack. Given the steps were deemed dangerous for the public to walk on, Denbighshire County Council required a durable repair product to reinstate the concrete and restore the steps to a safe condition. As public access was restricted, quick completion of the work was vital.

The Solution

The Council shortlisted a number of products for consideration and specified Flexcrete’s Fastfill repair mortar – a single component, polymer modified, fibre reinforced, Portland cement based compound – on the basis of its rapid setting properties even on damp substrates and its ability to develop exceptional early strength. This means it could be applied within tidal windows without any risk of wash-out or detrimental effect on the strength of the mortar. No primer was required and in areas of deep repair, the mortar could easily be bulked out. With CE Mark accreditation to the latest BS EN 1504 standards and British Board of Agrément (BBA) approval, Denbighshire County Council were assured of the product’s high performance and over 9 tonnes of Fastfill were supplied for this impressive project.


Denbighshire County Council


KM Construction, St. Asaph